Trivia Theme Announced!!!



“Trivia Weekend is coming” – those are the words of our people: the reoccurring prophecy of 88.1 FM KVSC’s Trivia Weekend, now in its 36th year. The seers have foretold of this competition – Game of Trivia: Quest for Futile Facts. KVSC calls upon all men, women and children of the realm to raise up their sigils and defend their teams February 13th through 15th in the year 2015.

The 50 hour tournament will chronicle the worlds of fantasy literature and folklore, as conveyed through legends, tales and myths … and will test the literature, television and film knowledge of kings and elves alike. Our quest will never be successful without the Fellowship of Trivia Volunteers, because one does not simply walk through 50 hours of Trivia.

Because in the Game of Trivia: Quest for Futile Facts, you either win… or you sleep.

KVSC’s 36th annual Trivia Weekend is taking place February 13-15, 2015.

audio tease of the 2015 theme:


We are live and the information has migrated over from the previous site. Come back and visit, I’ll be adding more fun stuff as I have time to.

If you are interested in more information, or in joining us for the trivia mayhem,  please check out the links above!